

no excuses

What it takes to be a “no excuses” leader.

You have to be able to say “pass or fail” to yourself. Banish the “buts”! 

One of the key ingredients of ownership–essential to being a great leader–is a no-excuses approach.…


How are you measuring yourself against the accountability bar? 

The leader is the high bar of the group; very few times is the team going to be more accountable than you. 

If you expect good people to follow you…

Unrelenting resourcefulness

Unrelenting resourcefulness: The key ingredient in every leader’s recipe for success.

Excellent leaders accurately assess what’s needed, what’s possible, and what it’s going to take – lather, rinse, repeat. 

Leaders are tasked with solving problems every day. Many are…

own ownership

Do You “Own” Ownership?

Excellent leaders don’t set out to be leaders…They set out to make a difference. It’s never about the role – always about the goal. 

Do you “own”…

future leaders

Developing Young Minds To Be Future Leaders

Teenagers. Early Saturday morning. All day training. I wondered how this was going to go. When I was a teenager, ‘early’ and ‘Saturday’ did not go in the…

principles for success

Coach H. And Her Principles For Success

My business is leadership development; my goal is to help people reach their full potential.  I am constantly looking for exceptional leaders and leaders committed to the growth…

Three Questions for Leaders

Three Questions Leaders Should Be Asking Themselves

Strong leadership begins with self-awareness, including your motivations, desires, and character. Across the board, strong leaders benefit from taking the time to take stock of their own role in their…


Fight or Flight… What About Respond?

It’s human nature to take the path of either fight or flight when faced with perilous situations. On the most basic level, when attacked by let’s say a mountain lion,…

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